Friday, October 7, 2016

All About Me

Dear Parents,
It was so great to come back to school after our Rosh Hashanah holiday. Even though the week was short, we learned a lot! We started the unit "All About Me" and spoke about how each of us are very similar, but also different. Some of us have blue eyes, some have brown, some have blonde hair, some have red, some have straight hair, and some have curly. We looked in the mirror and saw our faces, we saw that we all have eyes, ears, mouths, and ears. Then Morah traced our bodies and we  decorated them. We cant wait to hang our silhouettes in the classroom. We also spoke about  the upcoming holiday Yom Kippur. Its a day where our Mommies and Daddies dont eat, or wear leather shoes. We pray for a healthy, good year, and we do good deeds, and help one another. Morah traced our feet, and we decorated slippers for Yom Kippur.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Shabbat Shalom!
-Morah Sheva and Morah Chana

Looking at our faces in the Mirror

Silhouette Tracing

Coloring our Sihouettes

Making slippers for Yom Kippur

Indoor Play

Dress Up

Outdoor Play

Circle Time

Music and Movement

 Shabbat Party

Shabbat Marching Band

Shabbat Preparations

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