Friday, November 18, 2016


Dear Parents,
Thanksgiving is in the air, we spent all week exploring and learning all about Thanksgiving. Morah brought out some Thanksgiving puppets and costumes to make the Thanksgiving story come to life! We loved taking turns being Pilgrims in the Mayflower! The Native Americans helped the pilgrims plant corn, and other things, so we took corn, and rolled the corn onto paint, and made pretty prints for our special Thanksgiving place-mats. Using our hand-prints, we are working on creating a beautiful turkey centerpiece for our Thanksgiving tables, we cant wait to show them to you!
We had lots of fun with turkey manipulatives this week, we had play dough and feathers and we created turkeys out of them. We also got feathers and pipe cleaners, and used our fine motor skills to get them into the small holes that Morah made on special Turkey boxes. We created a beautiful Turkey that is hanging in our class, we had so much fun making it! We painted plates to become special Turkey hats for our Thanksgiving feast next week. We also had a great time on our first Field Trip of the year. We went to the Brooklyn Children's Museum, and had so much fun playing and exploring!
Looking forward to a great week ahead!
Shabbat Shalom!
-Morahs Sheva, Goldie, and Chana.

Hearing the Thanksgiving Story


Corn Painting

Hand-print feathers for our Turkey Centerpiece

Play dough/Feather Manipulative

Fine Motor Turkey Activity

Creating a beautiful Turkey for our Classroom

Wood Block Play

Soccer with Coach Kempty

Outdoor Play

Trip to the Brooklyn's Children Museum

Shabbat Preparations

Shabbat Party - Shabbat Ima Orli (Thank you to Orli's Mom and Dad for joining us, we loved having you there!)