Friday, November 11, 2016

Fall Week 2

Dear Parents,
We had such a wonderful week full of fascinating  Fall activities. Morah brought in a "Leaf Busy Box," and we used our fine motor skills to take the leaves in and out of the box. Another way that we used our fine motor skills this week, was by putting buttons on our pipe cleaner fall trees. It was really fun. We discussed during  Fall, the weather is changing from warm to cold, and we need to dress in warmer clothing. Morah brought out our puppet friend, Dina, to help show us what to wear during this season. We did some leaf color sorting this week, and also made some beautiful contact paper leaves. We painted over leaves and peeled them off to make special fall crowns. They are so pretty. We finished our fall hand-print trees by using Q-Tips, and by dotting paint onto the trees to look like leaves. We created special fall bags, to store all of our fall projects by rolling acorns and paint over them.We also made some special cinnamon  play-dough that we all played  with. We are so excited to show you all of our special Fall crafts.

We have a trip this Tuesday - November 15, to the Brooklyn Children's Museum....
 - If you did not send in the Permission Slip and Money please do so.
- On the day of the trip please send your child in a Chai Tots T-Shirt.
- All lunches on the day of the trip should be in a paper or plastic bag.

Looking forward to a great week ahead!
Shabbat Shalom!
-Morahs Sheva, Chana, and Goldie

Using our "Leaf Busy Box"

Pipe Cleaner Fall Button Trees

Discussing the Change in Weather with our Friend Dina

Leaf Color Sorting

Painting our Fall Crowns

Q-Tip Painting our Hand-print Trees

Contact-Paper Leaves

Acorn Rolling
 (To create our special Fall bags for our projects)

Making Cinnamon play-dough

Soccer with Coach Kempy

Music with Morah Leah

Indoor Play

Outdoor Play

Shabbat Preparations

Shabbat Marching Band

Shabbat Party

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