Friday, April 7, 2017

Pesach Week 2

Dear Parents,

We had a really busy week preparing for Pesach. We've been practicing  the Ma Nistanah and we know it so well! Our Haggadahs are done- we have been working so hard on them and they look beautiful! We will be bringing home Afikoman bags that we made using bingo dotters that came out really pretty! We had a great time at our Model Seder, eating matzah, charoset, and drinking 4 cups of grape juice. 
We hope you have a great Pesach, we'll miss everyone over the break!

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Sheva, Chana, and Goldie

Working on our Haggadahs

Our Model Seder

Music with Morah Leah

Movement with Dani

Indoor Play

Outdoor Play

Last Weeks Shabbat Party (Shabbat Ima Orli)

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