Friday, September 16, 2016

Welcome to the Toddler Class

Dear Parents,

Wow! We had such an amazing start to the school year! Orientation was great, and we enjoyed having all of you in our classroom. We are beginning to get used to being in the Toddler class, it will still take some time but all the Toddler friends are already getting more comfortable. We’ve made lots of new friends and we were introduced to all the centers in the classroom. The day-to-day routine is starting to become more familiar to us, and we spent the week exploring and playing with our friends and Morahs. 

Enjoy the pictures as a little peek into our week.
We are so excited for next week and we hope that you all have a great weekend. 
Shabbat party pictures will be shared in next week’s blog post.

Shabbat Shalom!
-Morah Sheva and Morah Chana


Dress Up



Indoor Play

Outdoor Play


Classroom tour with Morah Sheva

Music and Movement

Circle Time

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