Friday, December 9, 2016

5 Senses Cont... (Sense of Smell and Sense of Touch)

Dear Parents,
We had another great week continuing to learn about our 5 Senses. We focused on the sense of Smell and Taste. We learned that we use our noses to smell, and our mouths to taste. We got to bake (smell and taste) cupcakes for our Moms and Dads when they came to school to meet with the Morahs.
For the sense of Smell, we used different spices, perfumes, and soaps. Some of the smells were really good, some weren't that great. We did some spice painting and painted a big nose for our bulletin board. We also glued some spices onto the sense of smell page for our 5 Senses book.
For the Sense of Taste, we did some painting with Ice Pops which was so much fun! We painted a mouth for our bulletin, and also painted the taste page in our 5 Senses book.
We decorated the sense of hearing page in our 5 Senses book with Bubble Wrap, it was really fun to hear the popping noises!
Have a great weekend!
Shabbat Shalom!
-Morahs Sheva, Chana, and Goldie

Learning about the Sense of Smell

Decorating our Sense of Smell page in our 5 Sense books

Spice painting a nose for our Bulletin board

Learning about the Sense of Taste

Decorating our Sense of Taste page in our 5 Sense books

Decorating our Sense of Hearing page in our 5 Sense books

Making cupcakes for our Moms and Dads

Music with Morah Leah

Soccer with Coach Kempty

Indoor Play

Outdoor Play

Last Weeks Shabbat Party

Shabbat Preparations

Shabbat Marching Band

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