Friday, December 2, 2016

5 Senses (Sight and Touch)

Dear Parents,

After Thanksgiving break we had a fantastic week at school. The Toddler class moved to a new classroom that is so big, spacious, and beautiful. We've been getting used to the classroom all week, and we really love it. We began to explore our five senses this week, starting with the sense of sight and touch. We learned that different parts of our bodies are used to doing different things. We use our eyes to see, and our hands to touch.
For Sense of Sight: We looked in the mirror, and used our eyes to see ourselves. We got to wear glasses which some people need to wear to help them see things clearer. We decorated an eye for our bulletin, and decorated the sense of sight page with lots of googly eyes in our 5 senses book that we are working on.
For Sense of Touch: We got to touch lots of different things in our classroom. Some things were hard, some were soft, some were bumpy, and some were smooth. We made special texture collages with lots of different textures for us to touch. We decorated our sense of touch page with paint that we used with our fingers, it felt cold and gooey. We also made silly putty which felt really slimy to touch!
We are so excited to see what next week brings!
Shabbat Shalom!
-Morahs Sheva, Chana, and Goldie

Learning about our Sense of Sight

Making our Sense of Sight Page for our 5 Senses book

Learning about our Sense of Touch

Making Texture Collages

Making our Sense of Touch page for our 5 Senses book

Making Silly Putty

Indoor play

Outdoor Play

Last weeks Thanksgiving Feast

Last Weeks Birthday party for Orli

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