Friday, February 3, 2017

Community Helpers Week 2

Friday, February 3, 2017                                                                                                                    B"H
                                                    Community Helpers Week 2                                                                                
Dear Parents,

   This week was so much fun!  We continued learning about community helpers in our neighborhood.  We learned all about doctors, and how they help us feel better when we feel sick.  Doctors use a stethoscope, thermometer, and otoscope.  They also have band-aids, cotton balls, and stickers.  Morah pretended to check us with a stethoscope too.  Then we made our own Doctor kits.  We reviewed how important it is to help someone feel better.  We made get well cards, and mailed them in our very own mailbox that we set up in our classroom last week!  Next, we learned how dentists help keep our teeth healthy.  They can clean them and fill cavities.  Most important, they teach us how to brush and floss our teeth properly at home.  We have to brush them every day in order to keep them clean and healthy. We each painted a yellow tooth with white paint and glued white teeth in a mouth.
We cannot wait to show you all of the projects that we made!

   Thank you to our Shabbat Abba, Milo Zalben.

Shabbat Shalom!                 

                    Morahs Shterna, Chana, and Goldie                               

Indoor play 

Outdoor play 

Learning about the doctor

Making our own doctor kit

Painting a doctor sign

Writing and mailing get well cards

Learning about the dentist 

Painting a tooth

Gluing teeth onto a mouth

Music and movement

Last Shabbat party

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