Friday, February 10, 2017

Healthy foods and habits

Friday, February 10, 2017                               B"H

Healthy Foods and Habits

Dear Parents,

   The week began with a special visit from a fireman!  The fireman came to our class and showed us his jacket, what is in his pocket, and reminded us that he is here to help everyone.  We felt so lucky, took pictures, and said thank you to our fireman.
   The excitement in our class continued to grow as we began to learn about healthy foods and habits. We learned that fruits are healthy foods for us to eat.  Morah brought apples and oranges, and we were able to feel, smell and taste the delicious fruit.  We learned that fruit grow on trees, and Tu B'shvat is the birthday for the trees!  We sang Happy Birthday and made Tu B'shvat crowns!  We had the best time.  In addition, Morah hung up a tree in the drama center, and we were able to pick apples from the tree. It was a lot of fun.  We did some apple stamping and decorated an apple for our classroom.  We also learned that some healthy foods are protein.  We tasted cheese, decorated an egg for the bulletin board in our classroom, and glued scales onto a fish.  We are making place mats to use at home too.  Please send notes that tell us about the healthy foods your child has been eating at home.  We cannot wait to talk about it in school!  Next week, we will continue to learn how to keep ourselves healthy, and bring home our projects.

   Thank you to our Shabbat Ima, Anna Hershkovitz.

   Shabbat Shalom!

      Morahs Chana, Shterna, and Goldie  

fireman visit

Learning about healthy foods



Decorating our placemats with healthy foods 

Learning about protein... one of them being fish

decorating fish 

Our indoor play

Our outdoor play 

Music and Movement

Last week's Shabbat party 

Shabbat Shalom to all...

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