Friday, May 12, 2017


Dear Parents,

We are loving our unit on animals. We love sharing what we know, and learning all the new information that Morah has taught us.  We focused on Farm Animals this week, and were thrilled to keep adding animals into our big red barn on our bulletin. All the Toddler friends chose to learn about the cow, sheep, and chicken. Our classroom really sounded like a farm with all the animal sounds we were making! We used our fine motor skills to glue, paint, and color our farm animals for our class barn. We learned about all the things that these animals give us. Cows give us milk and meat, Sheep give us wool, and chickens give us chicken and eggs! The Toddler class got to milk a cow! It sounds strange, but Morah filled a rubber glove with milk as utters and we all got a chance to squeeze it to get the milk out.  We got to taste a cup of milk, it was delicious! In conjunction with Mothers Day, we learned that not only do we have mamas, but animals have mamas too. We matched up baby animals to their mamas.We ended off the week with a trip to the Queens Zoo! It was so much fun to go on the big school bus and to see so many amazing animals! We even got to feed some of them, it was great!
We loved having all of you moms join us this morning for a special Mothers Day event! Hope you enjoyed it. You are all amazing!
Happy Mothers Day!
Shabbat Shalom!

Morahs Sheva, Chana, and Goldie.

Painting a barn for our bulletin

Decorating animals for our bulletin

"Milking" a cow

Animal Baby/Mama Matching

Our Trip to the Queens Zoo

Music with Morah Leah

Indoor Play

Outdoor Play

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