Friday, January 27, 2017

Community Helpers

Friday, January 27, 2017                                                                                                                    B"H

Community Helpers

Dear Parents,

   We had a great week in the toddler class.  We began learning all about community helpers, who they are , and how they help us in our neighborhood.  For example our firefighters  help put out fires.  They ride in fire trucks and spray water with a hose to get rid of the fire.  They help keep us safe. Morah reviewed fire safety with us.  Fire is hot.  We cannot touch it and must stay far away.  We used our math skills to sort different color flames and to glue different shapes onto a paper creating a fire truck. We also made firemen hats.  Then we learned about mail carriers.  Mail that has left the post office is carried to our homes by mail carriers.  We made mail carrier bags, and created a mailbox for our classroom!  Then we wrote our own letters and put them in our mailbox.  It was a lot of fun!  Next week we will continue learning about community helpers, and then we will bring home all our projects.

   Thank you to our Shabbat Ima, Sima Lever.  The pictures will be posted next week.
    Mazal Tov to Morah Sheva on the birth of her baby girl!  We wish her all the best!

                                                                                         Shabbat Shalom!
                                                                                            Morahs Chana, Goldie, and Shterna


Creating our own firemen hats

and  firetrucks... 

Learning all about Mail Carriers

Creating our own mailbox
writing letters 

mailing our letters

creating individual mail carrier bags

Free Play in our  Toddler Class

Out door play

Music and Movement

 Shabbat party  from last week