Friday, January 13, 2017

Winter Week 2

Dear Parents, 
Another great week has passed and the Toddler Class continued to learn all about Winter. We did so many winter activities this week and created beautiful crafts that we know you all will love! We decorated a bag with blue paint and a special paintbrush that paints snowflake shapes in which all our winter crafts are being sent home in. We took the winter picture that we started last week and used a cup dipped in paint to create a snowman. We listened carefully to Morah's directions, following her instructions step by step. We stamped 3 circles to make our snowmen, then glued on eyes, a carrot nose, a hat, and 3 big buttons. Our snowmen came out adorable!
We discussed that during Winter it is so cold, that rain, and water turn to ice and snow. We got to touch real snow, it was so cold! We also made really cool ice paint. We all were able to pick a color that we wanted, we put that color paint into an ice tray, we added water and stuck it in the freezer. When it was all done, we took the colorful frozen ice cubes and used them to paint all over our papers! This week in the Toddler class we discussed bears and how they cope with the winter's cold weather. We learned that they go to sleep in caves all winter, coming out when the winter is over. This is called hibernation. We used our math skills and matched colorful bears to their correct color cave.
On Monday there is no school due to MLK Day. The toddler class learned that Martin Luther King Jr. wanted everyone to be nice to each other, no matter what they look like on the outside. We discussed being kind to all of our friends and loving one another. We watched as Morah cracked a regular egg, and an egg covered in chocolate. They looked different from the outside, but when we cracked them, they were exactly the same on the inside.
We hope you enjoy the weekend! See you on Tuesday!
Shabbat Shalom!
-Morahs Sheva, Chana, and Goldie

Decorating Winter Bags

Our Finished Winter Scene Pictures

Touching real snow

Making Ice Paint

Painting with Ice Paint

Bear Hibernation Color Sorting

Martin Luther King Jr. Discussion

Indoor Play

Outdoor Play

Music with Morah Leah

Movement with Dani

Last weeks Shabbat Party

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