Friday, March 31, 2017


Dear parents, 
We had a wonderful week learning all about Pesach. Our classroom is decorated with lots of pyramids, it feels like we're actually in Egypt! We got to hear the story of the Jews were slaves for King Pharaoh in Egypt and how Moshe took them out! We've been working hard creating our Haggadahs and can't wait to take them home for the Seder! We hope you enjoyed our delicious treats we baked for you for PTA. Have a great weekend!
Shabbat Shalom! 

-Morahs Sheva, Chana, and Goldie

Creating Pyramids by stamping with blocks and brown paint

Making Afikoman bags

Hearing the Pesach Story

Working on our Haggadahs

Baking for PTA

Music with Morah Leah


Indoor Play


Outdoor Play

Last Weeks Shabbat Party - Shabbat Ima Emmy