Friday, March 3, 2017

Purim -1

   PURIM - 1

Friday, March 3, 2017

Dear Parents,

   We are so glad to be back at Chai Tots!  We are really happy to see everyone, play with our friends,
and learn.  This week Morah introduced the triangle shape, and we began to learn about the holiday of Purim.  We painted plates and glued pompoms on them to create Purim clowns for our classroom. Together, Shushan town was created in our drama center as well.  Then we learned how Queen Esther and Mordechai helped save the Jewish people.  Everyone had opportunities to wear Queen Esther's crown and Mordechai's hat.  Next, we discovered that hamantaschen are special cookies that we eat on Purim and they are in the shape of a triangle!  We painted hamantaschen to hang up in our classroom, and found hamantaschen, graggers and beans in our sensory bin.  In addition, we began making modge podge graggers and handprint masks.  Next week, we will continue to learn about Purim and bring home our projects.

   Thank you to our Shabbat Abba, Isaac Wolf!

   Shabbat Shalom!

      Morahs Chana, Goldie and Shterna      

Indoor play 

Outdoor play

music and movement

Learning the Purim story 

Making masks

Creating Purim clowns

Painting hamantaschen

Making our own graggers

Last week's Shabbat party 

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