Friday, March 24, 2017

Shapes - 2


Friday, March 24, 2017

Dear Parents,
   We had so much fun with shapes this week!  We learned that a square has four sides, and created the square page in our shapes book. We also used bingo dotters to make a large square and hang it in our classroom.  Morah made a house with matching shapes in the drama center, and we added creative shape balloons as well.  Everyone had the opportunity to do shape puzzles and sort circles, triangles, and squares.  In addition, we discovered the shape of some objects.  The sun is round, a face is round, and a window can be square.  A pyramid has a triangle shape.  We completed our shapes book and decorated our shapes bag.  Then everyone felt shaped buttons and used them to make shape crowns.  We are so excited to show you our projects!

   Thank you to our Shabbat Ima, Emmy Barkan.

   We want to thank Morah Shterna for joining the toddler class, and we want to welcome Morah Sheva back on Tuesday!

   Shabbat Shalom,

      Morahs Shterna, Chana, and Goldie  

Indoor Centers and Shape Fun

Outdoor play

music and movement

Teaching Circle -

Discovering shapes of different objects

Completing our shape book

Creating shape crowns

Decorating our shape bag 

 Shabbat party

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