Friday, March 10, 2017

Purim - 2

   PURIM - 2

Friday, March 10, 2017

Dear Parents,
   The toddler class had a marvelous week!  We continued to learn and prepare for the upcoming holiday of Purim.  We acted out the Purim story in our drama center, our Shushan Town.  King Achashveirosh lived in Shushan and made a party.  When Vashti did not come, he chose Esther to be his new queen.  Then Mordechai urged Queen Esther to tell the king about Haman's unfair plan, and the Jewish People were saved!  Therefore, we celebrate Purim and the Jews lived happily once again.
We finished decorating and filling our graggers in order to make noise when we hear Haman's name.
Then we used our fine motor skills to string hamantashen.  We also glued a variety of triangle shaped hamantashen onto a large triangle and had the opportunity to do triangle sponge art on a big hamantash.  These projects were hung up, and our classroom looks quite festive.  Of course, everyone baked Hamantashen too!  Then we colored our very own Purim puppets.  We are so excited to show you all of our Purim projects!

   Happy Birthday to Anna Hershkovitz!  Thank you for the class present, and we are so glad that Haily was able to join Ima for the party.

   Thank you to our Shabbat Ima, Una Conway!

   Shabbat Shalom and Happy Purim!

      Morahs Shterna, Chana, and Goldie  

indoor play 

outdoor play 

Music and movement

Theme circle/ learning the Purim story 

Decorating our graggers

creating our own puppets 

making hamantaschen 

Anna's birthday party 

last weeks Shabbat party 

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